Currently, (in 2020), Washington State’s minimum wage is higher than Tacoma’s statutory minimum wage. We need to change that.

The New 15 Now Tacoma is gathering signatures for a new ballot measure, Initiative 9, which will precisely do just that. We need your help.
How You Can Help
Please help us gather signatures. Right now, our most urgent need is gathering signatures for Initiative 9. Go to our new web page for information on how to help. Initiative 9 will take us a long way to making the minimum wage into a living wage. Furthermore, it will peg Tacoma’s minimum wage to formula that considers both inflation and ballooning costs of housing.
You can download a copy of the complete initiative petition. You can see the legal summary and read the entire text of the proposed initiative. You can download Initiative 9 by clicking here.

You have landed at the ORIGINAL 15 Now Tacoma website. This site is no longer being updated. For information on our 2020 campaign to raise the minimum wage, please go to our new webpage at

The campaign we waged from early 2014 to late 2015 to raise Tacoma’s minimum wage concluded with a partial victory. You can read our editorial comment at the conclusion of this campaign by clicking here.
The ORIGINAL 15 Now Tacoma website is a record of the historic fight we waged five years ago. Our new Volunteer Activists can refer to the many articles here. Check out the menu items above to see what we did. But most important of all, CHECK OUT our NEW 15 Tacoma website, attend a meeting or activity, and get involved!