15 Now Tacoma and Initiative 1 have a broad list of endorsers. Many right-thinking citizens of our city understand the elementary justice of the demand for a $15/hour minimum wage now. Work has dignity, and anyone who works deserves a living wage.
If you are a member of an organization, try to get its endorsement for Initiative 1 and $15/hour minimum wage. If you are an individual, add your voice of support. Contact us for more information on how you or your organization can become an endorser by emailing us at 15nowtacoma253@gmail.com or calling us at 253-213-7207.
These are some of our current individual and organizational endorsers:
- ML King County Labor Council
- Local 1488 WFSE (link) Washington Federation of State Employees
- IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers) 483 (link)
- SEIU Healthcare 1199NW
- Central Puget Sound Carpenters Local 30 (link)
- AFSCME Local 793 (link)
- The Micah Project of First United Methodist Church of Tacoma
- The Pierce County Central Labor Council
- Pierce County Coalition of Black Trade Unionists
- Coffee Strong (GI coffee house)
- Jobs with Justice of South Sound
- A Philip Randolph Institute of Tacoma
- Harry Bridges Club (Communist Labor Party)
- AFSCME 3787
- AFSCME 120
- AFSCME Council 2
- IATSE Local 15 (Link), (FB link)
- Pierce County Democratic Party District 25
- Pierce County Democratic Party District 28
- Pierce County Democratic Party District 29
- Freedom Socialist Party (Seattle, WA)
- Tacoma Socialist Network
- Workers World Party
- Pax Christi Tahoma
- Radical Women –Seattle chapter (Link)
- OWLS (Organized Workers for Labor Solidarity) (Link)
- Tacoma Socialist Alternative (endorsement received 10/28/2015)
- Noam Chomsky (Author, linguist, activist)
- Whitney Brady (District 3 City Council Candidate)
- Suzanne Skaar, (District 7 City Council Candidate)
- Mike Ladd (shop steward, activist, organizer, worker)
- Sarah Morken (shop steward, activist, organizer, worker)
- Jessie Baines (Candidate, Tacoma Metro Parks Com, Pos3) (link)
- Alan OldStudent (activist, writer, webmaster, former shop steward, retired hospital worker)
- Max Hyland (organizer/activist/mathematics teacher)
- Pastor Gregory Christopher (Shiloh Baptist Church, Tacoma WA)
- Katie Driskill (organizer, activist, student, low-wage worker)
- Eric Herde (organizer/activist, low-wage worker, candidate for Charter Review Commission)
- Mike Collier (clergyman and activist)
- Matt Patera (church youth organizer, retired)
- Mark Perry (construction worker, project manager, retired)
- Aaron Pointer
- AND a variety of other individuals.